Sunday, 7 October 2018

Progress pictures

Hello guys :)

I haven´t posted a long time in this training blog, but now I want to share you with my almost 2 years training progress. Starting fitnessjourney was definitely right decision in my life. Of course 2017 was not my first gym experience, but this year I decided to do things right. I mean right nutrition, trainer advice, right sleeping, right training plan (without skipping any gym days). And I got results. At first (February 2017) I thought that I am too old (32 years old) or too skinny (77kg/169,75lb) or too tall (196cm/6,43ft) to get results. But that was not like that. All my body measurements changed quickly. So, nothing is impossible if you want to change your body :)

I hope that this transformation helps a little bit to get motivation :) Fitnessjourney is great, but you must to remember that it is journey. Changing body takes time, a lot of time. You need to be dedicated. It is fun, but not easy journey.